TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: PURSUANT TO NM STATUTES, CHAPTER 314, HB 273, (Self Storage Lien Act) that the following vehicles(s) will be sold on Monday March 21, 2011 at 8:00 AM to satisfy liens claimed by Albuquerque Self Storage, Inc. (13041 Central Ave NE) together with all costs of sale. V-176 Robert Fout, 12400 Towner NE, ABQ NM 87112. (Registered Owner) Americredit Financial Services, Inc, PO Box 182673, Arlington, TX76096.(Lien Holder) ‘07 Chevy Corvette Shell. Vin # 1G1YY26U075108139 $ 803.59 Any of the storage lockers/ vehicles can be withdrawn at anytime withour prior notice. H. Martinez, MGR. HCS Pub. March 11, 18, 2011