Notice is hereby given pursuant to the NM Self Storage Lien Act that the following Units will be sold or otherwise disposed of in order to satisfy liens claimed for delinquent rent and other related charges AM Trailer Leasing Inc. will conduct a private sale for the following accounts: Nicole and Eric Jantz, 11721 Lexington NE Abq. NM unit 2830 and Marc Donahue 4331 Canada Place NW Abq. NM Unit c-10. The contents of items are generally described as used house goods. The sale will be held April 6, 2011 10:00 AM at 8715 Volcano Rd. NW Abq. 87121. AM Trailer reserves the right to withdraw any if the above units without prior notice and refuse any or all bids. HCS Pub. March 25, April 1, 2011