FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico: Tracts “A,” “B,” and “C,” of the Plat of Tracts A, B and C, CANTATA AT THE TRAILS, Unit 2, being a replat of Tract OS-4, The Trails, Unit 2 and Tract A, Taos At The Trails, Unit 2, within the Alameda Grant in Projected Section 16, Township 11 North, Range 2 East, New Mexico Principal Meridian, City Of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on the plat thereof, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico on October 26, 2007 in Plat Book 2007-C, page 315. (the “Property”). Said sale is subject to easements, covenants and restrictions of public record, and unpaid property taxes. The sale is to begin at 10:00 a.m. on April 1, 2011 outside the front entrance of the Bernalillo County District Courthouse, 400 Lomas NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in lawful currency of the United States of America the Property to pay any expenses of sale, and to satisfy the Judgment granted Plaintiff on February 18, 2011 as follows: A. Cantata at the Trails Note No. 1320230001: The principal sum of $4,100,285.81, plus outstanding interest due in the amount of $639,691.16 as of December 7, 2010, plus default rate adjustment of $494,867.83, and accruing thereafter at the rate of 11.25% per annum, plus late charges of $208,902.69, plus processing fees of $100.00, plus incoming wire fee of $10.00, plus title report fee of $500.00, plus other necessary costs, plus attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with this foreclosure action in the amount of $10,354.30, including court costs of $361.99, plus interest on the entire judgment at the rate of 11.25% per annum until paid. B. Cantata at the Trails Note 1320230004: The principal sum of $1,055,143.82, plus outstanding interest due in the amount of $162,484.77 as of December 7, 2010, plus default rate adjustment in the amount of $125,444.88, and accruing thereafter at the rate of 11.25% per annum, plus late charges of $55,636.82, plus processing fees of $100.00, plus incoming wire fee of $10.00, plus title report fee of $500.00, plus other necessary costs, plus attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with this foreclosure action as set forth in Paragraph A. above, plus interest on the entire judgment at the rate of 11.25% per annum until paid. C. Cantata at the Trails Note 1320230005: The principal sum of $292,138.11, plus outstanding interest due in the amount of $44,987.25 as of December 7, 2010, plus default rate adjustment in the amount of $34,731.98, and accruing thereafter at the rate of $11.25% per annum, plus late charges of $15,863.19, plus processing fees of $100.00, plus incoming wire fee of $10.00, plus title report fee of $500.00, plus other necessary costs, plus attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with this foreclosure action as set forth in Paragraph A. above, plus interest on the entire judgment at the rate of 11.25% per annum until paid. The sale is not subject to a right of redemption.
WAYNE G. CHEW, Special
P. O. Box X
Albuquerque, NM 87103-1536
(505) 842-6363
HCS Pub. February 25, March
4, 11, 18, 2011