ACTION QUIETING TITLE Robert Simon, attorney for Jacob Davis, hereby gives notice of the pendency of the above action to quiet title to the following named defendants, if living, if deceased, their unknown heirs, Betty Garett, as trustee for Kenneth, Glenn and Jeffrey Garett and Kenneth Garett, Glenn Garett and Jeffrey Garett and to all unknown persons who may claim a lien, interest or title adverse to the Plaintiff. Jacob Davis in the following described real property: A tract of land Lying and being situate within projected Section 33, Township 10 North, Range 1 East, of the New Mexico Principal Meridian, Town of Atrisco Grant, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, comprising the northerly portion of Tract 186, Row 1, Unit A, West of Westland, being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said tract, from whence a tie to N.MS.H.C. Survey Control Station, “I-40- EE” bears N. 83° 42’ 11” E., a distance of 10,338.56 feet; Thence N. 10° 16’ 42”W., a distance of 415.56 feet to the northwest corner of said tract, lying on the south right of way of an existing unnamed, unplatted public roadway, Thence N. 79° 38’ 27” E., along said right of way line, a distance of 210.00 feet to the northeast corner of said tract, lying on the west right of way of an existing unnamed, unplatted public roadway; Thence S. 10° 15’ 34” E., along said right of way line, N.E., a distance of 415.56 feet to the southeast corner of said tract; Thence leaving said right of way line, S. 79° 38’ 27” W., a distance of 209.86 feet to the point of beginning containing 2.0028 acres (87,240 square feet) more or less A default judgment may be entered against you if a response is not filed.
Attorney for Plaintiff is Robert
S. Simon, 1415 Park Ave. SW,
Albuquerque, NM 87104
whose telephone number is
(505) 246-8136.
HCS Pub. March 11, 18, 25,