If you’ve revamped your resume for job hunting, chances are you’ve tinkered with it so much that you can no longer see it clearly. Here are some thoughts and ideas to consider before you send it out. In many cases, you’ll have only about eight seconds to grab someone’s attention.

There are two formats to consider in writing a resume: chronological versus functional. In one, you describe your past jobs starting with the most recent and then work backward. In the other, you organize your skills. Which one you use is up to you and can depend on the type of position you’re seeking. In some cases a combination will work best.

Depending on the jobs you’re applying for, you might need multiple resumes. In some, you might want to leave off that you have a Ph.D. and speak multiple languages. In others those qualifications could be important.

Many resume services advise starting with a statement of your objective: What kind of job are you looking for? If there are certain keywords for your industry, use those. It might be a machine that scans your resume.

If you’re just beginning to do your resume and you’re at a loss about where to start, look at samples online. Even if you’re able to hire someone to do the work, having an idea in advance about the finished product might well reduce your cost of having the resume prepared.

If you’ve been out of work and don’t know how to account for that period of time, don’t fudge the truth. Ideally you’ll have some volunteer experiences to list.

If you’re currently working and feel that your job is secure, great! But take the time to write down the things you’ve accomplished in your current job, as well as the ones you’ve had before. If the worst should happen and you’re handed a pink slip, having that information already written down will be a big help when you’ll likely be worrying about multiple issues.

For in-depth information on writing your resume, go to www.resume-help.org. Also see www.jobsearch.about.com.

Above all, edit, check and reread, even if a professional does the work for you. Don’t let a resume go out with a single misspelled word or wrong date.


David Uffington regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Write to him in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to [email protected].

(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.

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