TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN:PURSUANT TO NM STATUTES, CHAPTER 314, HB 273, (Self Storage Lien Act) that the following storage unit(s) will be sold on Monday June 13th, 2016 at 8:00 AM to satisfy liens claimed by Albuquerque Self Storage, Inc. (13041 Central NE) together with all costs of sale.
B-24 Hollman, Hank. 218 Iron SW ABQ NM 87102. Boxes & Misc. $1012.20
C-55 Vigue, Anna. 1665 Verbena Denver CO 80220. BBQ grill, Lamps, Toys, Boxes. $767.24
E-137 Gonzales, Fred. 901 Tramway Blvd NE K-77 ABQ NM 87123. Mongoose-StringRay-Huffy bikes, Chairs, Tires, Misc. $942.85
F-154 Manager’s Unit – Butler, Megan. 1113 Louisana Blvd SE ABQ NM 87108. $281.50 Chiefly, Larry. 10164 Menaul NE S-10 ABQ NM 87112. $344.32 Martinez, Aaron. 149 Jackson St NE ABQ NM 87108. $732.71 Padilla, Isaiah. PO Box 1851 Sandia Park NM 87047. $570.39 Woosley, Caitlin. PO Box 784 Edgewood NM 87015. $760.74 Furn., Boxes, Lots of misc.
I- 264 Aranda, Sharmaine. Lots of boxes & bags. $ 488.94
J-331 Santiago, Christina. 636 Mountainview Ave NE ABQ NM 87123. Tires, Chairs, Mattress, Boxes $969.74
R-513 Edwards, Darlene. 1803 FM 2468 Center TX 75935. Minifrig, Furn., Boxes & Misc. $ 907.47
Any of the above storage lockers may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice.
H. Martinez, manager
HCS Pub. June 3, 10, 2016