Notice to persons appearing to be the owners of unclaimed property. The following property, which is in the possession of the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department and which is no longer needed for any other public purpose, remains unclaimed and will be sold at a public auction sale pursuant to Sections 29-1-13, 29-1-14, and 29-1-15 N.M.S.A. 1978 or if a public purpose is identified prior to the dater of the sale, application will be made to the District Court ex parte to put the property to that public use, unless identified and claimed by the true owner(s), five (5) days prior to the date of sale.
17-0048 – SILVER 1997 GMC SIERRA, VIN # 1GTEC19R9VE508806, New Mexico License Plate 285MTF, Purported Owner JOE DELRAY OR JOR SHIRLEEN, Purported Lien Holder CASH COW LOAN CO.
17-0052 – SILVER 2008 KIA SPECTRA, VIN # KNAFE121985016698, New Mexico License Plate NSD614, Purported Owner REGGIE AIKINS.
17-0055 – BLUE 1995 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS, VIN # 2MELM74W8SX652943, New Mexico License Plate NONE, Purported Owner, TAMMI MARSHALL OR ELMA/RUDLOPH SANCHEZ.
17-0057 – BLUE 1994 OLDSMOBILE EIGHTY-EIGHT, VIN # 1G3HY52LXRH320196, New Mexico License Plate PCB023, Purported Owner, DON WHITED.
17-0066 – BLACK 2004 TOYOTA COROLLA, VIN # 1NXBR32E04Z286306, New Mexico License Plate NHP050, Purported Owner, CHRISTINE PERALTA. Purported Lien Holder NEW MEXICO TITLE LOANS.
17-0069 – WHITE 1998 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, VIN # 1LNFM81WXWY693942, New Mexico License Plate FYT797, Purported Owner, JOHN BENNETT.
17-0076 – BLACK 2001 TOYOTA SEQUOIA, VIN # 5TDBT48A01S038217, New Mexico License Plate DZF571, Purported Owner, LONNIE OR AMBER BRANNIN.
17-0080 – SILVER 2009 HYUNDAI SONATA, VIN # 5NPET46C89H491925, New Mexico License Plate NWJ386, Purported Owner, RAYMOND JONES, Purported Lien Holder SUNSTAR CAPITAL INC.
17-0083 – RED 1998 ISUZU RODEO, VIN # 4S2CK58W7W4354343, New Mexico License Plate NONE, Purported Owner, ABRAM PORRAS.
17-0087 – GOLD 1999 MERCEDES BENZ E320, VIN # WDBJF65H8XA851339, New Mexico License Plate 17T-172748, Purported Owner, MONIQUE MARTINEZ OR AUTO STATION.
17-0093 – MAROON 1995 GMC VANDURA 2500, VIN # 1GDEG25K6SF558227, New Mexico License Plate 106SLZ, Purported Owner, OSCAR FLAMENO-HERNANDEZ, Purported Lien Holder TITLE CASH OF NEW MEXICO.
17-0097 – MAROON 1994 DODGE DAKOTA, VIN # 1B7FL26X3RS522415, New Mexico License Plate NONE, Purported Owner, IGOR PONOMAREFF.
17-0100 – BLACK 2005 MERCEDES BENZ C320, VIN # WDBRF84J25F583083, New Mexico License Plate NONE, Purported Owner, ESTELLA LUNSFORD.
17-0103 – SILVER 2003 BMW 530, VIN # WBADT43493G026362, New Mexico License Plate PCC328, Purported Owner, CORLEY W AYERS.
17-0111 – BRONZE 2003 FORD EXPLORER, VIN # 1FMZU62K23ZA24213, New Mexico License Plate 232RGN, Purported Owner, ANGIE CERECERES.
17-0119 – SILVER 2005 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, VIN # 2G2WP522151162463, New Mexico License Plate NAY320, Purported Owner, DONNIE ERIACHO. Purported Lien Holder CASH COW LOAN CO.
The above listed property will be sold at a public auction on APRIL 21, 2018 at Manheim, 3411 Broadway Blvd SE, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, beginning at 10:00 a.m., unless identified and claimed by the true owner(s) five (5) days prior to sale or if a public purpose is identified prior to the date of the sale, application will be made to the District Court ex parte to put the property to that public use. Any person possessing an interest in the above-described property may identify and claim such property by contacting the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department, DWI Seizure Unit at (505) 314-0025.
If proof of claim is not established to the holder’s satisfaction five (5) days prior to the date of sale, it will be sold and the true owner(s) will be divested of any right to the property and will be estopped from making any claim to the property.
HCS Pub. February 9, 16, 2018