Notice of Public Sale
On February 11, 2022 at 10:00 o’clock in the morning the undersigned will offer to sell or clear title to the lien holder on the following described motor vehicle(s) in order to satisfy labor and storage charges incurred against said vehicle(s).
2003 Toyota Camry 4 Door Silver
VIN# jtdbe32k630231922, total amount of charges incurred, $1,252.45
Auction Location
Mr. G’s Pro Tow L.L.C.
7625 Baca Lane
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Mr. G’s Pro Tow L.L.C. reserves the right to refuse any and all bids on said motor vehicle(s). Mr. G’s Pro Tow L.L.C. also has the right to bid on any and all said vehicle(s).
HCS Pub. December 31, 2021, January, 7, 2022