Notice of Sale: Pursuant to the New Mexico Storage Act, on July 5, 2016, at 10:00 AM, the contents of the storage units rented by the following will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, on Storage
Leroy Candelaria
921 Arno St. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Household goods, totes, scooter
Taylor Adkins
9570 Dunstable Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78239
Household goods, boxes, furniture, tools, bed, couch
Jerry Malone
514 Alvarado SE Apt 3
Abq, NM 87108
Household goods, boxes, furniture, totes, beautician chair, antique beautician tools, golf clubs, bicycle
Byron Killion
9027 Claremont NE
Abq, NM 87112
Totes, boxes, furniture
Juan Tabo Self Storage reserves the right to withdraw any of the properties from disposal at any time.
HCS Pub. June 17, 24, 2016