Legal Notice
Notice of Public
Disposition of Property
To satisfy landlord’s lein
under NMSA 1978 48-11-1.
To 48-11-9 on July 9, 2016
at Picacho Self Storage 1760
W Picacho, Las Cruces, NM.
Entire contents of the following
units will be disposed of as
landlord wishes. Landlord
reserves the right to postpone
disposition, withdraw property
from disposition or sell property
at a later date without notice.
Tenants and contents as follows:
Roberta Alvarez, A25, 1127
Campo Las Cruces NM 88001
Household furniture, personal
Eddie Bravo B19,
1428 Hamiel, Las Cruces, NM
88001, miscellaneous household
John Carver, C27 X01
46 Lincoln Ave, Waterford
PA, 16441, furniture, household
items, tools, 1996 Pontiac Sunfire,
Vin # 1G1JC1244TM 115577
Alexandra Hall, B30, C21, D01,
D02, PO Box 365, Mesilla, NM
88046, Miscellaneous collection
Robert Farralez, C 14, 323
McClure Las Cruces NM 88005
Sandy Lopez, CR3320 72, Aztec, NM 87413, household items,
Kathy Martinez, A02, 4204
Indepedence, Las Cruces, NM
88005, car parts used, tools,
furniture, household items. Donna Reese, B51, 2250 Missouri Ave,
Las Cruces, NM 88005,
miscellaneous household items.
Alberto Rivas, A22, C17
8056 N Wayward Star Dr,
Tucson, AZ 85743, miscellaineous
household items
HCS Pub. June 17, 24, 2016