Notice is hereby given, Pursuant
To the New Mexico Self-Storage
Lien Act (48-11-1 to 48-11-9).
U-Stor-It located at 2640 Baylor SE Albuq. NM 87106 will be selling The following Unit(s) to Satisfy The Owner(s) Lien. Sale is to be Held at 9:00 AM, July 26, 2016. CASH ONLY.
UNIT #102, Cherolynda Bennett,
1032 Luthy Circle
Albuq NM 87102
Boxes, file cabinet, sofa
UNIT #213, Fred Bouchard,
433 Texas SE #B
Albuq., NM 87108
Dresser, chair, sofa
UNIT #227/228, Rita Burrell,
5360 San Mateo NE #E74
Albuq., NM 87109
Washer, walker, sofa, boxes
UNIT #152, James Cordova,
500 Princeton SE #3
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Vacuum, luggage, boxes
UNIT #309, Alan Cueno,
6820 Tamarsik, NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Antique tables, chair,
UNIT #59 Tanya Denetdale
PO Box 82222
Albuquerque, NM 87198
Headboards, table, dresser
UNIT #92, Louise Edmon
PO Box 9451
Albuquerque, NM 87119
Hutch, table, desk, washer
UNIT #267, Felicia Hunt,
2533 Wheeler Peak
Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Hutch, sofas, table, chairs
UNIT #371, Russell Jones,
307 1/2 Columbia SE #A
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Sofa, foot locker, trunk
UNIT #274, Sam Kline,
PO Box 1213
Littlefield. AZ 86432
Sofa, dressers, table
UNIT #172, Yohn Lopez,
3436 Vail SE #B
Albuq, NM 87406
Engine parts & stands,
2 motor cycles, unicycle
UNIT #151, Greg Powdrell,
1823 Walter SE
Albuq., NM 87102
Mowers, generator, trimmers
UNIT #165, Michael Powell
1206 Darthmouth NE
Albuq., NM 87106
Cabinets, chairs, sofa
UNIT #407, Aaron Ruple,
5600 Gibson SE #221
Albuq., NM 87108
Reclyner, sofa, tool box
UNIT #225, Delilah Schobey,
5922 Central SW
Albuq., NM 87105
Futon, table, wheelchair
UNIT #299, Leigh Toulouse,
820 Ortiz DR NE
Albuq., NM 87108
Boxes, Chairs, headboard
UNIT #260, Rhonda Zaragoza,
503 Riverside SW
Albuq., NM 87105
Luggage, tower fan, boxes
UNIT #298, Abimael Sauceda,
1200 Dickerson SE #132
Albuq, NM 87108
Table, dolly, chests, toolbox
HCS Pub. July 8, 15, 2016