Notice is hereby given, Pursuant
To the New Mexico Self-Storage
Lien Act (48-11-1 to 48-11-9).
U-Stor-It located at 4701 Cutler NE Albuq. NM 87110 will be selling The following Unit(s) to Satisfy The Owner(s) Lien. Sale is to be Held at 9:00 am, July 21, 2016. CASH ONLY.
UNIT #243, Gloria Aragon,
PO Box 312
Casa Blaca, NM 87007
Dishes, TV, Msc. boxes.
UNIT #137, Mariah Armijo,
220 Western Skies SE #2041
Albuq., NM 87123
Desk, misc. boxes and bags
UNIT #245, Robert Baca,
PO Box 343
Ft. Wingate, NM 87316
Box springs, bags & boxes
UNIT #255, Mabel Cinelli
648 Cottontail SW
Albuquerque, NM 87121
Misc boxes, stroller
UNIT #229, Brittany Johnson,
230 LaCienega Ln., NW
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Sofa, vacuum, Misc. boxes
UNIT #241 Christopher Maldonado
1601 Hendola DR NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
2 couches
UNIT #115, Kevin Pino
6101 Sequoa NW, #119
Albuquerque, NM 87120
Sofa, table, pictures
HCS Pub. July 8, 15, 2016