NOTICE of an Unregistered Claim by: Debra-Mae Strickland [Carter]: a private living woman, sovereign by the grace of God, created in His image, the beneficiary in original jurisdiction now coming with NOTICE of Unregistered Claim, and priority equitable right, title, and interest as Executor in the DEBRA MAE STRICKLAND [CARTER] Estate, New Mexico state file number 1959-00XXXX, cusip number 316069XXX including all assets, attributes, derivatives, and transmutations thereof. :Debra-Mae :Strickland [Carter] is no longer recognized as a minor according to the U.S. Court of Law as of February 4, 1980 (21). To respond to this notice, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: DEBRA MAE STRICKLAND [CARTER] Estate. Executor Office. Nation Texas. General-Post Office. Granbury. STRICKLAND [CARTER] Province. USMOI. Near. [76049-9998].
HCS Pub. June 30, July 7, 14, 21, 2023