TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: PURSUANT TO NM STATUTES, CHAPTER 314, HB 273, (Self Storage Lien Act) that the following storage unit(s) will be sold on Monday November 6th, 2023 at 2:00 PM to satisfy liens claimed by Albuquerque Self Storage, Inc. (13041 Central NE) together with all costs of sale.
C-54 Roy, Velma ℅ Danisha Dominquez 555 Pecos Loop, Rio Rancho NM 87124. Portable welder, Tool Rack, Lawn tools, Lamps, Dressers, Misc. $ 755.43
C-58 Felts, Peter [email protected] Tools, TV, Walking stick, Rope, Misc. $ 451.53
N-432 Gallegos, Amanda 5801 La Corrida NE ABQ NM 87110. Antique sewing machine, Bunk bed set, Room divider, Propane tanks, Misc. $ 840.67
N-435 Ruper, Leeanna 11313 Constitution NE ABQ NM 87112 Washer, Yamaha keyboard, Furn., Tools, Ladder, Kids items, Misc.$ 1061.53
All of the above storage lockers may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice.
H. Martinez,
HCS Pub. October 27, November 3, 2023